German party Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance begins its congress with thanks to the Red Army

27.01.2024, Berlin.

A new member of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance – Reason and Justice (BSW), writer, and journalist Daniela Dahn expressed gratitude to the Red Army for the liberation of the prisoners of concentration camps at the first party meeting, RIA Novosti wrote on January 27.

Dahn said that the Red Army alone sacrificed 13 million soldiers to liberate all those “enslaved and blinded by the National Socialist regime; they gave their lives for it.”

For this, she said, Germany is “eternally indebted to them, no matter how much the world situation has changed over time.”

Dahn recalled that despite the statement of the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by Soviet soldiers, not by soldiers of the Allied armies.

“Germans committed the greatest crime in the history of humanity… And I think it is important to emphasize that today, a party is being created that seeks to preserve the memory of this and draw conclusions from it,” she said.

She added that Auschwitz appeared in the shadow of the world war, and it was therefore very important that there was at least one coherent peace party in parliament.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency