New political party in Germany proposes halting arms supplies to Ukraine

16.01.2024, Berlin.

The new German party Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance – Reason and Justice [Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht – Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit] believes that halting arms deliveries to Ukraine will help make peace with Russia, Spiegel wrote on January 16.

“To induce Russia to negotiate, an immediate halt to arms exports to Ukraine should be proposed,” the party said in a draft of its election program.

In addition, the party leaders believe that Ukraine should not be accepted into the EU and favor greater European independence from the United States. They also suggest focusing more on Germany’s domestic problems, such as migration, education and wages.

This is the program, with which the party plans to run in the European Parliament elections in the summer of 2024 and in the next elections in the eastern part of Germany.

The leaders of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance – Reason and Justice are politicians Sahra Wagenknecht and Amira Mohamed Ali, who left the Left Party because of disagreements with the position of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency