Kurginyan: Russia must make its own decision what kind of events are taking place in Ukraine

27.11.2023, Moscow.

Russia must decide what kind of events are taking place in Ukraine to choose its policy appropriately, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on November 14 in a special issue of his original broadcast Destiny.

Russia still lacks a shared opinion on the nature of the Ukrainian conflict. On the one hand, the Ukrainian events are called existential, “on the other hand, this is a kind of an existential special operation rather than an existential war,” Sergey Kurginyan noted.

The political scientist stressed that “this is something unprecedented in political theory, and strategic description of processes, this is a kind of a hybrid.”

Everything that is taking place in Ukraine is an existential war. And we cannot avoid this fact. This means that it is a war that we cannot lose and still survive. This applies not only to certain top officials, who will also be in trouble. This applies to everyone including those who condemn our current policy.

This is an existential war. Do you want to call it a special operation? No problem. Then you have to admit, as you are saying that all this is existential, that this is a sort of an existential special operation. Alternatively, this was called ‘sacred war’ in the Soviet period, or jihad in Islam,” the analyst stressed.

Sergey Kurginyan also explained that any kind of operations, events, crises, tragedies has its language, its logic, its infrastructure, its material basis, its resource mobilization principle and many other things.

If this is an ordinary war, then everything is mobilized in an ordinary manner for an ordinary war. If it is existential, then a super-mobilization takes place. If it is an operation, then it is a soft mobilization, an ordinary mobilization,” he explained.

The current attitude to the Ukrainian conflict is a kind of a hybrid condition, the political scientist believes.

I think that, even leaving the official circles aside, we need to come to some kind of an agreement, because our behavior will depend on our idea of what exactly is taking place and how we see it. Besides, the state and the people do not belong to the official circles, they belong to everyone, and everyone is responsible for them,” Sergey Kurginyan stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency