27.11.2023, Moscow.
The tactical behavior of our country and public that was acceptable in the previous period can now result in a catastrophe if the USA decides to activate its agents in Russia , the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on November 14 in a special issue of his original broadcast Destiny.
Kurginyan noted that Russia lacks understanding of what exactly the USA is doing in Middle East and why it is now very dangerous to use old algorithms.
“What kind of a behavior do we demonstrate now? Tactically, we behave the way our country has to behave after 30 years of lacking its normal mobilized and militarized way of life,” the philosopher noted.
According to Kurginyan, Russia’s policy looks like “the US is here, and the caliphatists are there. The US is against us, so we support the caliphatists,” which may be tactically acceptable, but strategically it can result in a catastrophe.
“And the first time when crowds go to the streets instigated by caliphatists and the US, the first time when the US goes insane enough to seriously activate its agents in the Russian Federation, will be the last hour of this system,” Kurginyan noted.
He expressed hope that the US is not that insane to give the Russian nuclear weapons to a collective Bin Laden or the Russian territory to China, and that it still has certain restraints.
“But what if not? If they are semi-insane bastards, what then? They have agents to mobilize. And that is not Ksenia Sobchak! Bin Laden is not Ksenia Sobchak, is he? Or do we believe they are the same thing?” the philosopher wondered.
He noted that if it happens in the current format unfolding at the existing levels then any strong radicalization of that kind will make the Russian establishment and security services step aside.
“And then this existential war, which we can win, may well be lost,” Kurginyan warned.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency