Kurginyan: The US will not give its place under the sun up to China

07.03.2023, Moscow

The uneven development of imperialism is a determining factor in the relations between China and the US, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in an interview with the Belarusian ONT TV channel.

The PRC is a young country with the potential for development and desire to insure its place under the sun, emphasized the political scientist.

“This is the same thing that the Second, not the Third Reich wanted in 1914 – a place under the sun; colonies; its share in the division of labor. Then it was called the ‘Berlin -Baghdad Road’, now it is called the ‘Silk Road’. Everything is repeating,” said Kurginyan.

He noted that there is nothing the US can do about it. With any possible scheme of dividing the world, China will have to be given its part, and Washington cannot allow this, because China will end up wining. For example, if you give Siberia to China, “it will make China powerful, and allow it to crush the US at the next move,” the political scientist described the hypothetical situation.

Kurginyan emphasized that this situation originated when Mao Zedong, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, wanted to unite the country. Around the same time, US President Franklin Roosevelt agreed to the decolonization of India.

“India was a poor country, China was poor too. There were certain breakthroughs, certain sizable jumps in their development and such…, but it was clear that these huge countries, if they survived, would rise like giant mountains. Well, they have risen, slowly, painfully, and now they are being restrained,” stressed the political scientist.

At the same time, the current master of this world does not want to share power with anyone. “He does not want to give up even an inch of the authority,” said Kurginyan.

“At last, when it becomes clear that he is losing, he will destroy the world. But he will never agree to defeat. This is his nature,” said the political scientist.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency