Kurginyan: Insane West applauds Zelensky as it applauded Hitler before

03.03.2023, Moscow

Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky is selling out his country and people while the Western elites are mad enough to applaud and admire him as they used to admire Adolf Hitler, said philosopher, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on February 18 on the Right to Know program on the TVC channel.

Kurginyan believes that Zelensky is a “bloody clown” ready to go any length for acknowledgment and thinking solely about this acknowledgment, which be desires most of all.

According to the political scientist, Zelensky will do anything the West orders him to do. He will fight to the last Ukrainian, to the last inch of the Ukrainian land that he has already sold out.

And this is the most terrible thing of the 21st century, which is only exceeded by how the insane Western elites applaud him, how they kiss his hands, how they admire him. They used to similarly admire Adolf Hitler when they believed that he would only attack the USSR,” Kurginyan said.

This mad drugged thug is killing his people and pulling the humanity into troubles, but he is kissed and hugged, ‘Yes, right, go on, go on,’ he stressed.

The political scientist wondered why no circles appear in Ukraine that would understand the deadly threat of the current events and be willing to confront.

There is only one thing I cannot understand, is Ukraine really lacking any group of people who would understand that my statement is not a deformation, not a slander, but the absolute truth? the political scientist said.

Kurginyan also asked why these circles, if they exist, cannot do the same thing as former head of Chechnya Akhmad Kadyrov did when he chose common path with Russia for the sake of his people.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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