Foreign mercenaries compensate depletion of mobilization resource in Ukraine

17.01.2023, Moscow.

The depletion of the mobilization resource of Ukraine is balanced by the inflow of foreign mercenaries to the Ukrainian armed units, the commander of the Russian Viking group of troops said in an interview with RIA Novosti on January 17.

“They [the Ukrainian armed units] are running out of people, there are about half a million men left, so an incredible number of foreign personnel are coming to them using it [Ukraine] as a training ground,” the commander said.

The military officer said that the mercenaries fight for money, they have no high idea of defending the homeland.

“We, on the other hand, are fighting for our country. We have patriotism. We understand that if we don’t fight now, then tomorrow trouble will come to our families, so the financial issue is not important for us,” the fighter explained.

Over the past week, the Russian military and the Wagner PMC took Soledar and the Sol railway station, which made it possible to make strong advances in the Slavyansk direction towards Artemovsk.

Earlier, it was reported that the Ukrainian armed units were feverishly redeploying reserves to Artemovsk.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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