30.07.2022, Aleksandrovskoye.
The current situation in Russia is much worse than during 2011-2012, when the Essence of Time movement was formed, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement in a documentary film released on July 28 on the movement’s YouTube channel.
The film is about the Essence of Time summer school for the activists, which took place in the village of Aleksandrovskoye, in the Kostroma Region.
“The current situation is much worse than during 2011-2012, when the Essence of Time movement was formed. It is much more dangerous and there isn’t a single sign that would indicate at any slight decrease in the pro-Western trends inside Russia, in everything but the non-military activities,” said Kurginyan.
Russia has become the West’s main enemy for a very long time, while the Russian government continues to do what it has been doing in the past decades when it wanted to become a part of the West, pointed out Kurginyan. In particular, funding for universities and faculties that mass produce pro-Western, anti-Russian youth – continues, pointed out Kurginyan.
“Let’s take a closer look at the new trends inside Russia. Several times I heard that our influential politicians are outraged with the way certain faculties of Moscow State University (MSU), the journalistic community and other communities are acting,” says the political scientist.
We are talking about Sergei Mironov, chairman of the A Just Russia – For the Truth political party, who said that at the MSU Faculty of Journalism, people who act in support of a special military operation in Ukraine are slandered and there is an active propaganda against Russia. Vyacheslav Volodin, the Chairman of the State Duma or Speaker, supported Mironov, noting that people holding a public office, in particular – rectors, heads of departments, “begin to use their workplace for propaganda in the interests of other countries.”
“Dear friends, forgive me but you are creating these gravediggers yourself, you produce them with your entire strategy, your policies, your ideology; by no means – it is there, it exists,” stressed the political scientist.
Kurginyan is convinced that when the pro-Western youth raised by the so-called liberal universities takes to the streets, it will no longer be possible to counter with a rally similar to the patriotic rally on Poklonnaya Hill, which in 2011 stopped the Orange Revolution in Russia.
“The current situation is much worse than it was in 2011-2012, when the Essence of Time movement was formed. It is much more dangerous and there isn’t a single sign that would indicate at any slight decrease in the pro-Western trends inside Russia, in everything but the non-military activities,” said Kurginyan.
According to him, the Russian leadership must understand that Russia should not try to fit into the Western megatrend, and rather set a different, its own vector for global development. The sooner Russia understands this, the sooner the country will be able to switch to adequate ways of existence that will help Russia not only to survive, but also to reverse the global megatrend, which is absolutely destructive for humanity.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency