09.07.2022, Moscow.
People in Donbass and in Ukraine has already become different “anthropologically, in their ways of being,” political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on July 2 on the Radio-Electronic Warfare program on Channel One.
According to the political scientist, he can see three character types of people in the media coverage of the Ukrainian and Donbass events.
The first one is an exalted type. This applies to President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and “Arestovich, who enjoys playing female roles” as well as to Ukrainians who “continuously grimace” when commenting the current events.
“The second type is the crying Donetsk refugees. This is a sort of an internally rough and sincerely suffering situation. I recall the verses, ‘simple everyday grieve is the only worthy thing.’ This is another type,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.
To the third type, according to the analyst, belong European officials, “The Brussels officials are apparently not humans at all!”
“There is still a lack of understanding about who has come for the Russians, to what extent and what we need to withstand to defend our country,” the political scientist noted.
“And that different thing [the Ukrainian type] is a result, on the one hand, of the entire post-Soviet 30 years in Ukraine, and on the other hand, of the recent eight years,” Sergey Kurginyan concluded. On June 26-28, a NATO summit took place in Madrid. As a result, the alliance has de facto adopted a policy of confrontation with Russia and China. Also, Finland and Sweden were invited to join the military bloc. According to Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Aleksandr Grushko, NATO “has completed an evolutional flip-flop” as it returned to the basics, i.e. to “the military security schemes of the cold war period.”
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency