What’s happening with the desecrated memorial in Treptower Park? Photo report

11.04.2022, Berlin.

The memorial to the fallen Soviet soldiers in Berlin’s Treptower Park is one of the main symbols of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany. Every year on May 8–9, thousands of people come to honor the Soldier-Liberator monument commemorating those who saved the world from fascism.

However, the seeds of Nazi ideology were not completely eliminated and bore fruit. Neo-Nazism manifested itself not only in the Baltic states, where SS legionnaires marches take place and the celebration of the Victory Day on May 9 is prohibited. The modern Nazi followers are on the rise in Germany, Greece, Croatia and many other EU countries. And currently, this misanthropic ideology has unfolded with the full force in former Soviet Ukraine, except for Donbass and Crimea regions, where people mounted resistance to Bandera (Ukrainian Nazi collaborator during WWII) supporters in 2014.

Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny

In the meantime, the European and US establishment openly approve of the Ukrainian Nazis already, while Japanese authorities followed the suit when excluded the Nazi Azov battalion (organization banned in Russia) from the list of terrorist organizations and at the same time apologized for the “mistake”.

It is not surprising that the memorial in Treptower Park is like a thorn in the eye to the rising “Black International” or neo-Nazi International. For many years, the monument to the Soldier-Liberator was a tombstone over the defeated fascist monster in Europe. Saturated with Bandera ideology Ukrainians who live in Germany should become the battering ram that will remove this monument from the grave in order to perform a revival ritual over the corpse.

Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny
Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny

The desecration of the memorial in Treptow Park on April 7, 2022, when the Ukrainian Nazis painted the monuments with anti-Russian inscriptions and swastikas, was a logical step in the constant drift towards the resurgence of Nazism. If earlier this process was moving slowly, now it has accelerated manyfold.

Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny
Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny
Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny

This is not the first time that the memorial complex in Berlin have been desecrated. In 2019, unidentified people poured black paint over the monument to the Grieving Mother. There were cases of vandalism in the memorial in the Tiergarten. However, Nazified Ukraine launched a trend to destroy everything Russian in Europe: culture, monuments, goods in stores. There is no doubt that all this will eventually lead to the prohibition of the Russian language.

Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny
Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny

The act of vandalism by Ukrainian Nazis in Treptower Park caused a wave of indignation not only in Russia, but also among people belonging to the Russian culture in Europe. Demonstrations and car drives in support of Russia are regularly held in German cities.

But at the same time, social networks serve as platforms where Bandera followers organize groups that plan to hunt Russians. They collect all the information about those who participate in motorized drives with Russian flags or demonstrations in support of Russia: photos, phone numbers, residential addresses, place of work, car registration numbers.

Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny
Treptower Park
Vitaly Kanunnikov © Rossa Primavera News Agecny

There is no doubt that the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War on May 9, 2022 in Germany will have a special meaning. It will be more than a tribute to the memory of the fallen Soviet soldiers. The sky is getting dark again, and not only over Europe.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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