02.04.2022, Moscow.
The West’s support of Ukrainian neo-Nazis makes it an accomplice to crimes and requires legal assessment, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service stated on April 1.
The recorded facts of torture of Russian prisoners of war by Ukrainian neo-Nazis became the basis for the upcoming investigation initiated by the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Aleksandr Bastrykin.
The video circulated on the Internet contains footage made at a Nazi base near Kharkov. The footage shows Russian servicemen in captivity being shot in the legs.
The West, in its policy of supporting the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, encourages this practice of inhumane treatment of prisoners. The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service stated, “This makes them complicit in the inhumane crimes of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and requires an appropriate legal assessment.”
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency