Kurginyan: Putin's main worry was how to save Ukraine

18.03.2022, Moscow.

The main issue for Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine was how to preserve Ukraine, political scientist and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on the air of The Great Game on Channel One on March 16.

Putin cared much more about preserving Ukraine than Poroshenko, Zelensky, and all that gang,” Kurginyan said.

The signing of the Minsk agreements, which preserved Ukrainian statehood, and which Kiev flatly refused to implement, was indicative in this regard.

How many yearsdid we try to convince them to somehow accept in some way to take into account the rights of Donbass. This was brutally, rudely rejected,” Kurginyan recalled.

However, the military special operation to demilitarize Ukraine, as Kurginyan notes, began only when the Kiev regime decided to attack Donbass and Russia.

Either completely give up and self-destruct. Or respond… The insane militarization of Ukraine began… The information about atomic weapons and other things was absolutely solid,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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