03.03.2022, Moscow.
The Russian Defense Ministry explained the meaning of the mysterious V and Z symbols on Russian military equipment involved in the special operation in Ukraine, the agency posted a photo with interpretations on its Instagram account on March 3.
According to the photos published on the ministry’s page, the Z symbol hides the expressions “For Victory” (transliteration from Russian “Za Pobedu!”) and “The task will be accomplished” (transliteration from Russian “Zadach budet vypolnena!”) Another symbol V encrypts the phrase “Strength in Truth” (transliteration from Russian “Sila V Pravde”)
In connection with this, the version that appeared on the net that the letter Z on Russian military equipment is the sign of the Mexican folk hero Zorro, who fought against tyranny and USn occupation, is debunked. Users implied that the Z symbol would instill a sense of fear in US elites.
In addition, there is an interpretation that the letter Z jokingly encoded the phrase “Zelensky.” According to another more prosaic version, V and Z stand for the Russian military groups: “East” (Vostok) and “West” (Zapad).
On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the launch of a special Russian military operation in Ukraine to demilitarize and denazify the country in connection with a request for help from the heads of the DPR and LPR. As the president stressed, the purpose of the operation is “to protect people who have been subjected to humiliation and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years.”
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency