23.04.2021, Moscow.
The point of the diplomatic campaign launched by the Czech Republic against Russia is to consolidate the West, Russian senator, Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy Aleksey Pushkov wrote on his Telegram channel on April 23.
A day earlier, the Czech government announced the expulsion of several dozen Russian diplomats, as a result of which the number of employees in the Russian embassy in Prague should be reduced to the number of employees in the Czech diplomatic mission in Moscow by the end of May.
“The main point of the hysteria raised in the Czech Republic is to consolidate the Western alliance on an anti-Russian basis. The Biden administration has already set the task of rallying an ‘alliance of democracies’ for a unified policy against Russia,” Pushkov noted.
“There are different sentiments in Europe in this regard: a number of countries consider it important to maintain and advance dialogue and interaction with Russia – both because of their economic interests and because of political necessity,” he added.
To date, the Embassy of the Czech Republic has only 24 employees, including five diplomats and 19 employees as administrative staff, while the Russian Embassy in Prague has 27 diplomats and 67 employees as administrative staff.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency