22.03.2019, Homs.
126 families have returned to the village of al-Buwaida al-Sharqiya in southern part of the province of Homs, a Syrian source of the Rossa Primavera News Agency reports on March 21.
Reportedly, the families had to leave their village near the city of al-Qusayr 8 years ago in order to escape from terrorists.
According to local authorities, the village infrastructure has been restored: the residents have a potable water supply; sanitary sewers and the electric power supply have also been restored.
The civil war in Syria has been taking place since March 2011. Throughout this period, Syrian refugees have been seeking safety in Europe and nearby countries. Despite ongoing isolated terrorist attacks, on July 3, 2018, the Syrian Foreign Ministry called refugees to return home.
On March 16, terrorists attacked civilians in the al-Sawwaneh area in the province of Homs. Terrorists, who arrived in cars and on motorcycles, killed four people, who were working at a small cheese factory.
On February 25, terrorists shelled the capital city of the province, Homs, with missiles. The same day suicide bombers attacked the building of the state security service and military intelligence. The terrorist attacks killed at least 42 people.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency