09.01.2018, Kiev.
Ukrainian President set a course for the aggravation of relations with Russia in order to mobilize his electorate, former head of Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Konstantin Grishchenko said on January 8th in his interview to News One TV channel.
The diplomat said that Poroshenko has chosen a course to aggravate relations with Russia hoping to mobilize his potential voters. Because of these tactics, Ukraine will remain in a particularly dangerous period until the end of the presidential campaign. Currently, unpredicted scenarios, including major military operations, may materialize.
Grishchenko also pointed out that the Ukrainian President’s chosen course contradicts the Ukrainian public’s request for a peaceful settlement of the existing contradictions.
On December 31st, the presidential election campaign was launched in Ukraine. Five candidates have already submitted their documents to the Central Electoral Commission. Another twelve candidates have announced their plans to run for president. The current president of Ukraine has not yet announced his desire to run for a second term.
Presidential elections are scheduled for March 31, 2019. To run for president, a candidate must be a citizen of Ukraine, be at least thirty-five years old, live in Ukraine for the past ten years, and speak Ukrainian. The candidate is also required to make a 2.5 million hryvna deposit.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency