26.12.2015, Cominternovo.
On December 26 during the briefing in Donetsk News Agency’s press-center DPR Deputy Defense Minister Eduard Basurin said that Kiev junta is escalating the situation in the buffer zone in the south of Donbass in Cominternovo village.
“Kiev continues to escalate the situation regarding Cominternovo in the media, however, Ukrainian politicians and military, contradicting one another, demonstrate complete incoherence, inconsistency and absolute lack of logic in their statements,” Eduard Basurin said.
According to Basurin, junta is trying to “distract the attention of the world community, including the representatives of the international monitoring organization, from the capturing of Pishevik, Pavlopol, Vinogradnoye, Gnutovo, Shyrokino, Bakhmutovka and Zhovanka in the buffer zone by units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”
Deputy Defense Minister expresses regret that the OSCE Monitoring Mission pays less attention to the fact that Kiev captures villages in the “neutral” territory than to Cominternovo “where the monitors went right after Ukrainian media demanded this“.
The Ukrainian side, however, refused the stop the shelling and the monitors were not able to inspect the village.
“The shelling of the area resumed 15 minutes after we left Cominternovo. They shelled the village by mortars,” Eduard Basurin noted.
Source: Donetsk News Agency