03.02.2025, Moscow.
After the Soviet Union’s victory over fascism, the West did not unite with the USSR on the basis of common humanist values, but began to gather all the survived fascist forces, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on December 27 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.
“As soon as the Soviet system defeated fascism – and it defeated it precisely under the flag of Soviet humanism, defending common humanist ideal – immediately, as soon as this happened and the question arose that the USSR and the West should unite, they need a humanist consensus, immediately this [Western – Rossa Primavera News Agency] system began to gather all the survived fascist scum, everything that could be used for the destruction of the Soviet Union,” the philosopher noted.
When the fascism it feared so much was destroyed, the West decided that the Soviet “Moor” had done his work, and now it was necessary to destroy the USSR, Kurginyan said.
But since the postwar West alone was unable to destroy the USSR, the West began “to gather all the survived Nazi scum, to form from them something completely new, the World Anti-Communist League,” the political scientist adds.
“Among this survived fascist scum, Ukrainian Banderites played a huge role. These were Stetsko and others, and obvious Nazis, and some Asian forces of the appropriate type, and internal pro-fascist forces of the West, and certain types of Nazi migration, which revived during this,” Sergey Kurginyan notes.
As a vivid example of Western support for former Nazi figures, the political scientist mentions the Strasser brothers. They were once opponents of Hitler and Himmler within the NSDAP. The older brother Gregor Strasser was killed in the “Night of the Long Knives” [Hitler’s elimination of the leadership of the SA storm troopers on June 30, 1934 – Rossa Primavera News Agency].
“It was Röhm’s SA [Ernst Röhm – one of the leaders of the NSDAP, the creator of the SA storm troopers – Rossa Primavera News Agency), which was even more atrocious than Himmler’s SS. [Otto] Strasser hid in Canada and began to build this Strasserism. And now we already see that military units adhering the Strasserism ideas are attacking Russian territory and are part of the forces that are already fighting against Russia on Russian territory,” Kurginyan explained.
At the same time, the political scientist notes that by cherishing and protecting Nazi war criminals, the Western world has denied the humanistic values that were developed in the West. By building a Nazi system within itself, the West mutated. The project of Modernity, where Man was supposed to keep pace with progress, was replaced by a postmodernist project that declared Man to be an insignificant being. Then the end of humanism was proclaimed.
“This whole incredible cocktail did not exist in such a way that ‘we’ took these Nazi dogs (‘we’ meaning the West, it’s a metaphor) and with our humanism set them against the Soviet enemy. There was a gigantic rebirth from within,” Kurginyan emphasizes.
As a result, the German Nazis created their own lobby in the USA, “which was, believe me, no less powerful than the Jewish lobby,” the political scientist notes.
“In parallel, there were colossal metamorphoses of this Jewish world, which, on the one hand, shouted how terrible the Holocaust was, and on the other hand, began to share many stereotypes of actions,” the philosopher adds.
Thus, “Kennedy clutched at Wernher von Braun in order to catch up with the Soviet Union in space, like a drowning man clutching at a snake.” But in the end, “von Braun built the entire Nazi system in the United States itself,” notes Sergey Kurginyan.
“The postmodernist West was destroying the ideas of humanism, preparing the revival of Nazism in Europe. And it is still to come. Nazism in Ukraine is just first heralds. We are witnessing the terrible collapse and mutation of all this modernity,” Essence of Time’s leader concluded.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency