31.01.2025, Vietnam.
The beginning of the “year of friendship between Vietnam and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” has been announced by Vietnamese President Luong Cuong, according to a telegram sent by the Vietnamese president to DPRK State Affairs Chairman Kim Jong-un, the Korean Central Telegraphic Agency (KCTAK) reported on January 31.
“I am pleased to join you in announcing the start of the ‘2025 Year of Friendship between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the DPRK’,” the message said.
In the telegram, the Vietnamese president congratulated Kim Jong-un on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the DPRK.
“On behalf of the state and people of Vietnam, on my own behalf, I send you and in your person to the state and people of the DPRK the warmest congratulations,” wrote President Luong Cuong.
The Vietnamese president also noted that 75 years ago, on January 31, 1950, the DPRK became one of the 3 countries that established diplomatic relations with Vietnam.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency