Kurginyan: Trump wants to negotiate peace in Ukraine from a position of strength

30.01.2025, Moscow.

US President Donald Trump’s intention is to ensure reconciliation in Ukraine from a position of strength, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on January 24 on the program Conversation with a Sage on radio Zvezda.

Sergey Kurginyan admitted that Trump, seeking support for his reputation, can accept certain costs for US policy in order to ensure a temporary reconciliation in Ukraine.

“Of course, it [reconciliation] would not be good [for Russia]. And of course the war would resume, and in much worse conditions,” the political scientist stressed.

The analyst stressed that many in Russia are waiting for a reconciliation in Ukraine, so there is a chance that we can deceive ourselves. “It is impossible that people involved in combat would not welcome a reconciliation at all provided that its conditions are not humiliating,” Kurginyan explained.

In this context, the political scientist stressed that “we can expect anything from Trump.”

“A negative hero of Bertolt Brecht’s play Fear and Misery of the Third Reich said, glorifying Hitler, ‘Look at the Fuhrer when he is planning something: he is impassive! You never can tell anything in advance. Perhaps, he does not know anything in advance either. And then he makes a blow… lightning fast,’” Sergey Kurginyan quoted.

The situation with Trump, according to the analyst, is similar. “Take a closer look at Trump when he is making an important decision: no one knows what he will do the next moment, he does not know himself,” the political scientist noted.

At the same time, there is one more factor with Trump, the analyst explained. “Because Trump is already in quite a hard environment, and the environment knows what he will do the next moment,” Kurginyan noted.

However, he indicated that Trump has already started to discuss the reconciliation issue in a provocative manner.

“Look what he is [immediately] doing with this reconciliation. He says, you, Putin, is a good guy, so come here and do what I tell you or get hurt,” the political scientist illustrated US president’s proposition.

“His policy is nearly outlaw, he is patting a president on his shoulder saying, ‘Russians, everything is gonna be fine, you are conservatives and we are conservatives.’ He says, ‘The USA will act from a position of strength, it will order everyone else what to do.’ And further he says, ‘You will be in trouble if you disobey,’” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

“Whether we are ready to talk in such a tone remains to be seen. But it is clear that this tone is dominating in everything,” the political scientist stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency