30.01.2025, Moscow.
Humanity is on the verge a radical change in warfare, a radical technocratic transformation, a technocratic ruthlessness, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said in an interview to Republican Channel One of Donetsk released on January 9.
According to the political scientist, US president-elect Donald Trump will always wage wars even if he does not want to, in particular because there are many people to whom he owes and from whom he depends.
“There cannot me a magic situation when he easily mends just like that all the diseases that have developed in the body of the US economy, politics, culture over the past 50 years. And he will continue to face confrontation,” the leader of Essence of Time said.
Sergey Kurginyan stressed that a new world is coming at the horizon. And, the scientist added, “let us hope for the worse, and let a better scenario be a good surprise.” Besides, he suggested that a closer rook should be given to the processes ongoing in the USA.
“Indeed, did you see those faces from Silicon Valley? Do you understand that this is another kind of ruthlessness, a technocratic one, which leaves no room at all to Man?” he explained.
Kurginyan indicated that “an imperialism with the tank” is not as terrible as “an imperialism with the IT.” Also, according to him, “an imperialism with the tank” is a supplement to “an imperialism with the IT.”
“We are on the verge of a radical change in warfare, a radical technocratic transformation. We can already see it at the frontline in our domestic Russian-Ukrainian version. And we should imagine how it will happen in a global version when an arms race begins. And it will begin, he will not cancel it,” the leader of Essence of Time said.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency