11.01.2025, Aleksandrovskoye.
The Russian authorities need to stop neurotically fencing themselves off from the fact that the project of building a capitalist state integrated with the West for the last 30 years has failed, and realize the scale of challenge facing the country, said political scientist, philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in his New Year address on December 31.
No matter how “deformed and pathologized” the current Russian reality, assembled for integration with the West, it still contains humanity, the political scientist emphasized. But the reality which Russia is fighting with – does not. “This reality is the enemy of humanity.” It is impossible to defeat this enemy, while relying on the former vector of “integration” policy, Kurginyan emphasized. It is vital for the political subject in Russia to recognize this, and abandon this “neurotic self-deception.”
“What is the integral meaning of what is happening, which cannot be divided into events and assessments, trends and forecasts? <…> From my point of view, this meaning lies in the refusal of the current political subject to recognize one and only truth, which will affect the consequent actions. And this truth is that we are witnessing how a certain project is coming to ruins.
Not only that, we are in a situation where the collapse of a certain project inevitably gives rise to the question: what were we doing in the previous decades? And no matter how bitter it all is, until you break through to some kind of understanding, you will be constantly mumbling something about certain events, which our numerous analytics love to do,” said Sergey Kurginyan.
We are talking about the collapse of the so-called integration with the West project, which came about after communist project was rejected, the political scientist stated.
“Such a furious denial, discrediting, trampling or actual dismantling of this previous Soviet project – all this was happening as if the new one, which will replace the old, is absolutely ‘wonderful’. And it was calling for integration with the West.
In 1917, Russia started building socialism, communism, the Soviet type of life, Sovietism. It brought colossal sacrifices to the altar of this development. It carried out this project with colossal dedication. And it achieved fantastic results, which had never been seen in the previous history of Russia,” Kurginyan emphasized.
Speaking about the fantastic results of the USSR, he noted that never before in history had Russian troops been stationed in Berlin, Russia had never had so many friendly countries along its borders and never before had Russia “such strong communist support in Vietnam, Korea, China, India and so on, including Arab socialism and Latin America.”
“A huge period in the country’s life has been squashed, turned into ruins, essentially eradicated. Everything was torn apart, including medicine – Semashko’s [Nikolai Semashko was the organizer of the health system in the Soviet Union – translator’s note] medicine, as well as educational programs, science, culture, ideology, the meaning of human life, the economy, industry in particular, the military sphere, the security sphere, the foreign policy sphere and much more – in a furious disappointment towards Sovietism, communism and so on, and in passionate anticipation of the brilliant, saving, miraculous novelty that the new project promised: integration into capitalism,” Kurginyan said.
Currently, the absolute demonization of the “deplorable Russian capitalist order” by the collective West is necessary for only one thing: to call Russia a “failed state,” demand its capitulation and dismemberment, the expert emphasized.
“And, to have foreign control – with the complete genocide of these Russian people, who rush from one extreme to another, and therefore ‘do not deserve the right to live. And this will share either Chinese, or Iranians, or Turks, or Germans, or the USA. This is the truth about what is happening!” the political scientist is sure.
With each month this truth becomes more and more obvious, and it is being fenced off with “ever thicker screens of neurotic well-being,” Kurginyan believes.
Despite Russia’s factual military successes on the Ukrainian front, Russia’s ability to maintain high enough oil prices – in the midst of such hatred coming from the West and very conditional support from friendly countries – Russia will not be able to win and build a viable state without abandoning its current “neurotic well-being” and a complete and final break with the “integration” project, emphasized the expert.
“There is one positive opportunity on the agenda: a slow, careful transformation in the fundamental constants of life (slow – in the sense that it is not going to ‘abandon everything we had up until this point’ in one quick move, OK, – and … plunge into new chaos), gradual, step by step, relying on creation of some new centers for development, building this new foundation over the course of about three years and the launch of new major processes in another three to four years. And this would be an incredibly fast pace!” Sergey Kurginyan said.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency