Kurginyan: The Myth and its horrors will come back unless an alternative appears

21.12.2024, Moscow.

If Russia fails to establish a new synthesis of science, culture, law, and justice, then the myth and its horrors will come back, and Nazism will flourish permanently, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on November 29 on the program Conversation with a Sage on radio Zvezda.

Symphony, polyphony are Russian words. Of course, it would be right to offer polyphony to the world, but it wants a single-voiced existence, one voice that would cover all the others and dictate. And it is really organically committed to achieve that. This commitment stems from ancient times, and it refuses to disappear,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

According to him, one can believe or not psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, one can discuss archetypes or not, but this phenomenon is about something absolutely archaic.

Myth existed before the division into science, disciplines, justice, and art. It combined everything, it was syncretic. And after it became clear that this division, having given great achievements, discoveries, an human development, had come to its limits, a very dark figure named Rosenberg wrote a book The Myth of the Twentieth Century,” the philosopher said.

According to Sergey Kurginyan, either “myth will come back with all its atrocities that will happen in the 21st century, and then Nazism will flourish permanently,” or this “myth will be replaced with something that will also bear a synthesis of the origins, and it will not be mythical but much more complex, not archaic but forward-looking.”

Russia’s mission here is to offer a new synthesis of science, culture, law, and justice. They must unite on a different basis, otherwise the world will be destroyed. And the Russians continuously dream about uniting them like that,” Sergey Kurginyan noted.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency