Kurginyan: The world doesn’t need a healthy Man, he must consume drugs

09.12.2024, St. Petersburg.

Human health is only needed if Man is needed, a healthy Man, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on November 21 at the 19th All-Russian Congress “Health as the Basis of Human Potential. Problems and Solutions.”

Kurginyan indicated that neither UN documents nor BRICS documents discuss the problem of Man. The future of humanity is not discussed. Man is only needed as the consumer of medications.

He [Man] is not needed healthy, he must receive therapy all the time, and he must consume medications. Let us imagine ourselves in a nightmare where Man has become healthy and he needs neither health professionals nor medications. What a terrible world is that! It is awful, isn’t it? Therefore, everyone must be in need [of medicines and health professionals], and the higher the demand the higher the prices of services,” he explained.

A number of speakers at the Congress discussed the severe demographic situation n in Russia. In this context, he indicated that Russian technocrats at power discuss the demographic situation as if it was heads of livestock, although even cows are known to produce more milk when classical music is played for them. Meanwhile, Man is something much more complex.

In the childbearing domain everything is determined by “the meaning of life and the drive.” Here, those women are most vulnerable who have a surplus of vital energy that remains unused. Moreover, under the current guidelines these women have to be treated by the reduction of this surplus, i.e. by their actual sterilization.

These are the guidelines, and doctor must enter respective parameters in the program and receive a treatment plan. In this sense, medicine is over, Kurginyan noted. Doctor must prescribe medicines that in fact will sterilize woman. Moreover, if he does so he will receive a bonus from a pharmaceutical company.

Then the question is who said people are needed? Who says that Man is needed? Since the Club of Rome, they say that there are too many people,” Kurginyan explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency