Polish mercenaries killed during attempted Ukrainian armed units’ landing on Kinburn Spit

27.08.2024, Moscow.

Polish nationals were part of a sabotage and reconnaissance group (DRG) destroyed by the servicemen of the Russian airborne unit while trying to land on the Kinburn Spit, the commander of an anti-tank missile unit with the call sign “Nastroyeniye” told RIA Novosti on August 27.

According to the serviceman, the DRG included foreigners, “including Polish mercenaries,” who were found in possession of chevrons, documents and “insignia in the form of badges.”

As the Russian serviceman noted, the stormtroopers were covered with tattoos, with “a lot of Nazi symbols” – swastikas and SS symbols. DRG members had weapons, including US-made rifles and machine guns, as well as “imported offensive grenades.”

In the first half of August, the Ukrainian armed units attempted a landing on speedboats first on the Tendrovaya Spit and then on the Kinburn Spit. However, the militants retreated with losses, having been repulsed by Russian troops.

As noted by the commander of the anti-tank missile unit, on the night of August 8-9 – from midnight – the enemy began heavy shelling of the coast near the Kinburn Spit. Russian servicemen of the airborne unit under fire managed to prepare their firepower and repelled an attempted landing by the Ukrainian nationalists.

Later, the Governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo said that the attempted landing of the DRG cost the Kiev regime “two dozen trained saboteurs.”

Kinburn Spit – a sandy ledge in the northwestern part of the Kinburn Peninsula between the Dnepr-Bug estuary and the Black Sea. The Kinburn Peninsula is part of Kherson Oblast and is partially under Russian control.

Source: Rosssa Primavera News Agency