22.03.2024, Moscow.
Seeing a new Russia with a different political strategy is the only thing that will make the West recalculate its policy against our country, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on March 5 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.
According to the philosopher, an existential conflict between the West and Russia as the winner and the loser is unfolding.
“For them, the Russian Federation is a defective semi-colonial state that licks their boots, which appeared as a product of the defeat in the cold war, and which is internally defeatist both in the kind of its elite and in its way of being, lacking any strategic self-reliance,” Kurginyan notes.
In this kind of a situation, according to Kurginyan, we cannot only declare that we are different.
“This ‘difference’ must be everywhere, in every molecule of our being. Let it unfold gradually in culture, in language, in linguemes, in semantics, in semiotics, in imagery – in everything,” he stresses.
The political scientist expressed confidence that it is time to proceed from remembrance of former power of the Soviet state to actual steps towards this image.
“It is time for us, from my point of view, to carefully and cautiously reject the excessively elastic attitude to our Soviet heritage, which combines with regular quotes from some Stalin’s letters to our plant directors or from some verses.
All that is wonderful, but our counterparts only grim and say, “That’s long gone.” So, please show it is not gone! Prove this without using the nuclear weapons, but using the language of political strategy and concept, vision of ourselves,” Kurginyan says.
According to the leader of Essence of Time, Russia needs to demonstrate a new vision of the future.
“Offer a vision in which this existential war will be too costly for them. And not only a vision – which is perfect – of us having heavy nuclear weapons (which is definitely decisive), but a vision of everything else as well. Of everything else, in full and to the end.
Then, if the vision is solid enough and they see that they face something absolutely different than what was too complementary to them (putting in softly, but in fact it was a colony) it will perhaps change their attitude to what is happening,” the political scientist believes.
According to Kurginyan, only after that the West will be able to understand that “it is in fact the great country that they believed and still believe they had finished,” although they are very reluctant to admit that, and it will be hard for them to realize that Russia is again that country that they used to fear.
“We need to overcome the inertia of neglect, disregard, understanding of secondariness, and, in fact, the attitude as to a rebellious colony, the way the English treated Transvaal during the Boer War. This attitude is what we must positively and calmly overcome.
We must not combine any elements, relicts of the previous integrationist language, previous concepts, previous visions with addressing our Soviet heritage when we need it and rejecting it whenever we want to reject it, and we must use all this to shape a country that will never suffer a blow to which we will have to respond threatening the existence of the civilization,” the political scientist stresses.
This is exactly the reason why various minor events, such as phone talks of the German military officials or statements of President of France Emmanuel Macron etc., “require our calm and absolutely serious consideration, because they are a prologue to a catastrophic scenario,” the analyst believes.
To interrupt this prologue, we do not need informational scandals, but we need “something incomparably greater, reaching as far as the field of political philosophy and metaphysics,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement says.
“They must see a different Russia and recalculate everything they are doing. You know, there are various popular new centers like institutes of chaos, complexity chaos etc. But when it come to work… it is the RAND Corporation (organization designated as undesirable in Russia) that works. That’s it!
And what does the RAND Corporation (organization designated as undesirable in Russia) do? As soon as it sees any strategic novelty, it goes back and ‘recalculates’ everything. So, please launch this ‘recalculation mechanism.’ This is now a question of life and death for us, for them, and for humanity,” Kurginyan concluded.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency