12.03.2024, Moscow.
Germany is humiliated by the US, but it usually becomes anti-Russian whenever it overcomes humiliation, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on February 22 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.
The political scientist noted that the United States used every effort to break the relations between Germany and Russia, but Germany, having suffered tremendous losses, has not said a word in response. Thus, on the other hand, it has been humiliated, and, on the other hand, it has been forced to cover the largest part of the military expenses of the Kiev regime.
“What is the German nation’s condition now? Whether it can get out of this humiliation is the first issue, and the second one is, strangely enough, the German nation has always become anti-Russian whenever it overcomes humiliation,” Kurginyan pointed out.
He reminded that the Russian Germanophiles call Germany Russia’s natural ally, because the two countries have no direct contradictions. However, the historical experience demonstrates a more complicated picture.
“It should be our ally, and this is one side of the medal. And the other side is that Germany is the country we fought against it the two most murderous world wars with a terrible aftermath. How shall we reconcile our Germanophiles’ quite reasonable idea that it is our natural ally with this circumstance?” the political wondered.
Kurginyan also posed a number of questions regarding the possible development of the situation. “What will happen to Turkey if NATO dissolves? Which way would it be oriented? What kind of a configuration will take place in the Ukrainian-Polish union or a more complicated one? What will take place in the relations between Poland and Germany?”
According to him, in Germany they feel that they will have to offer a response to really major challenges. The Germans would like to reformat the world, but they lack any major figures in their ruling circles for that.
“This is out of their league. Having become ‘mice’ (degraded German politicians ‑ Rossa Primavera News Agency), they cannot even figure out how to reformat it. Then they simply escalate this hysteria,” Kurginyan explained.
The German elites have been tasked with the demonization of the Russians to the full, the philosopher stressed. To this end, according to him, Russia is being blamed for any problems.
“Someone goes to a better world – yes, this is the Kremlin’s hand. Any troubles happen in any part of the globe – it can be only the Kremlin. Ukraine seeks freedom under the banner of the prominent ‘democrats’ Bandera and Stetsko etc. and it is trying to defend itself against the Russian demonism,” the political scientist ironically named the accusations from the West.
Besides, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky is acting solely under the orders from the West. He will never say a word without their instructions, the philosopher noted.
“This is why Zelensky says, ‘We have claims for some parts of the Russian Federation,’ and that ‘we will end all this in Moscow,’” Kurginyan concluded.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency