07.03.2024, Donetsk.
The Snezhnyanskkhimmash Chemical Machine Building Plant started supplying oil and gas equipment to consumers in the Smolensk region, Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said on March 6, the Donetsk News Agency (DAN) informed.
Manturov said that the Donbass industry has great opportunities to produce products in almost all industries, primarily the production of machinery and components for the coal, mining, metallurgical, energy, chemical industries, production of railway rolling stock, agricultural machinery and other unique specialized equipment.
According to Manturov, Donbass is also capable of producing products for Russian shipbuilding, machine building, automotive industry, and other industries.
Manturov cited the example of Snezhnyansky Chemical Machine Building Plant, which already sells its oil and gas equipment to the Smolensk region.
Earlier, it was reported that the Ilyich plant in Mariupol was preparing to launch two workshops.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency