01.02.2024, Moscow.
Russia shifted from attacking Ukraine’s energy grid to attacking military facilities and industries, according to the reports from the theater of war, published in The Essence of Time newspaper, Issue 570.
The Telegraph wrote that Rob Bauer, head of NATO’s military committee, said at the opening of a meeting of NATO military commanders that civilians should prepare for “all-out war” with Russia in the next 20 years.
Bauer called for a system that would train more people in case of war, as well as modernizing industry to produce weapons and ammunition more efficiently.
“The key word in Bauer’s statement is ‘all-out’ war. That is, everyone will fight and in every possible way. Whether pampered Europe is ready for this is an open question, and judging by recent sociological polls, those willing to fight the Russians, for example, in Poland or Germany, are far less than half. But the same question should be addressed to Russia – to what extent is Russian society ready for an all-out war?” The Essence of Time editorial reads.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency