Kurginyan tells what people saw in Putin and Lukashenko

29.01.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The Russian and Belorussian leaders Vladimir Putin and Aleksandr Lukashenko have proven to be leaders who are determined to fight to the end in the most critical moments that are pivotal for their nations, the leader of the Essence of Time social movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on January 11 in an interview to the ONT Belorussian channel.

The analyst stressed that the Slavic peoples have an irrational capability to produce leaders; having been forced to a desperate situation, these people suddenly promote leaders “who appear out of nowhere among misery and despair” to begin a great struggle to revive their nations.

“What is Putin, as he describes himself, of 2001 and of 2022? Somewhat more than twenty years has passed, and we see a different person with different geopolitical, historiosophic etc. orientations, who is ready, as we can see indeed, to go any length. The same is true for Lukashenko,” Kurginyan says.

He stressed that, having sensed this capability, the peoples who have these leaders “begin to behave in a way that is somewhat different from the laws of misery typical of the perestroika and post- perestroika periods.” In his opinion, this is a mutual process, “as soon as a leader comes, something wakes up in the people.” This is something that the West, with its goal “to corrupt the people and to destroy their active core including their leaders and then to easily defeat them,” cannot fight against, Kurginyan says.

“What kind of a historical memory begins to awaken? In what kind of a core of our minds is it located in spite of any degeneration?” the analyst wondered, and he stressed that this degeneration did take place, “in Belarus to a smaller extent than in Russia.”

He noted that Putin in 2001 did not know what he will become. Neither Lukashenko knew “back in 2005 or so what he will become and what he will feel inside history speaking to him through his people, and what people will sense in him,” Kurginyan says.

“All this is what creates a new reality. Not Sharp [and his methods of coup d’etat], but major military operations govern the reality, and this is something you have to dare to do. And the costs will lie on your own population, which has also been corrupted as much as the one on the allegedly occupied territories, but this [determination] is something they are lacking,” the analyst said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency