Kurginyan: Russia can afford a three-million-strong army without mobilization

24.01.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The existing state system in Russia allows creating a three-million all-volunteer army without political crisis and total mobilization, said philosopher, political analyst, theater director, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in the program “In The Topic” on the Belarusian BelTA TV channel on December 30.

Comparing the capabilities of Russia and Ukraine to create a multi-million army, the political analyst explained how they would differ. He noted that Kiev does not have the money to create a large professional army, and the dark Ukrainian top leadership can only carry out mobilizations and drive the population to slaughter.

Kurginyan stated that the situation in Russia is different and noted that Russia has enough resources to create a professional army of three million people. He stressed that unlike in the Soviet Union, large-scale mobilization would not be effective in Russia, as there are no conditions for it and the army can only be professional.

In the USSR, mobilization was prepared in two ways, the political scientist said. First, there was infrastructure, material base and second, the society itself was prepared for war.

The generation was ready to wage a war. It knew that it would be at war, it was brought up in this spirit,” Kurginyan emphasized.

Back then it was possible [to conduct] a major mobilization – a 10-million-strong army and war. Now it will not be effective! And it seems to me that our leaders understand this,” the Essence of Time leader said.

However, modern Russia, unlike the “subsidized” Ukraine, has quite good financial opportunities to create a large professional army, the political scientist believes.

Under the current pricing environment and in case Russia mobilizes its economic capabilities, it can afford salary for servicemen starting from 400K rubles per month [significantly higher than average – translator’s note] and further up the ranks for three million military men,” Kurginyan noted.

According to the political analyst, in a situation of generous material support and the right attitude of the authorities and society to the professional military, people will voluntarily join the army, and no direct mobilization will be needed.

We need to change the way of life in total so that we can handle a three-million-strong army of professionals, and so that this army does not sit on the neck of the society,” the Essence of Time leader concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency