23.11.2023, Moscow.
The supporters of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Turkey previously destroyed Islamism themselves, and Russia was happy with that approach regardless of whether Turkey was a NATO member state, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on November 3 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.
“We had very long-term relations with that Turkey, and Lenin understood what he was doing when he supported it. Later, Turkey became a NATO member state. We had a really major confrontation regarding where US missiles were to be located. The exchange of Cuba for Turkey is aspecial page of our history. However, one thing was clear to us: there will be no Islamism in Turkey,” Kurginyan said.
According to Kurginyan, this was due to the fact that Kemal Atatürk as well as his supporters and followers would destroy any Islamism themselves and that they would promote a respectful attitude towards a national Islam and seek to become a state keeping within its borders and moving towards industrial, economic, cultural etc. secular development with an Islamic specifics.
“That was a kind of a state that we were happy with regardless even of the fact whether it was a NATO member state. Now our diplomacy is doing a great job keeping our relations with Turkey within certain reasonable constants. Dubious but still reasonable. There is no confrontation,” Kurginyan noted.
He added that Turkey’s membership in NATO also helps us to avoid confrontation, as it allegedly rules out any chance for a conflict.
Sergey Kurginyan also stressed that Turkey today, in contrast to Kemal Atatürk’s Turkey, pursues a different policy.
“But when we hear about neo-Ottomanism or Turanism we understand that it is either something pagan addressing to something as far as the Empire of Genghis Khan or the last version of an Ottoman caliphate, i.e. a version of Islamism. Of course this is more dangerous for us, although in the current situation we must be ultimately moderate to build the softest relations possible with Turkey. But this is a concern to us,” the political scientist said.
Kurginyan noted that basically any Islamism is a concern, which “was actually constructed in Egypt, in the Suez Canal zone, by some Lord Cromer, a member of the notorious Baring family and the East India Company.” According to the political scientist, this is a really complex cultivated structure, and Cromer was the one who created Islamism.
“He was a person who created structures. They proved to be very successful. Today, the Egyptian military confine this structure in Egypt. And as soon as the Egyptian military becomes weaker, Islamism raises hell with terrible consequences,” Kurginyan concluded.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency