17.09.2023, Lugansk.
The struggle for the establishment of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic (DKSR) was a vivid confirmation of the aspiration of the people of Donbass to unity with Russia, Dmitriy Krysenko, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of the Lugansk State Agrarian University, said on September 17, the Lugansk Information Center (LIC) informs.
Krysenko said that on September 17 (September 4, Julian calendar), 1917, the leader of the Bolsheviks of Donbass, Fyodor Sergeyev (Artyom), announced in Kharkov at a meeting of factory and plant committees to break relations with the Provisional Government of Russia and create their own authority in Donbass.
This led to the emergence of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic, which was proclaimed on the territory of the Donetsk and Krivoroy Rog basins in February 1918 as an autonomy within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The territory of the republic was included as autonomy within the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in March 1918, and in April it was occupied by German troops. According to Krysenko, the final liquidation of the republic occurred in February 1919.
According to Krysenko, the land of Donbass, which has a prehistory of thousands of years, became part of the Russian state 300-400 years ago.
“And there have never been any doubts about its Russian character,” Krysenko said, adding that there were many people who wanted to profit from the plunder of Donbass at different times. It was during such a period, the period of the Civil War in Russia, as the historian said, that the DKSR appeared on the territory of Donbass and a significant part of the left bank of the Dnieper.
“Resisting the aggression of the advancing German army and Ukrainian nationalists, its leadership set the goal of reunification with Soviet Russia,” he said.
He added that “the struggle for the creation of the DKSR, resistance and a series of victories over the Kaiser’s forces, transformations in a socialist spirit – all this is a confirmation of the will of the people of Donbass to unity with Russia, to which we have returned again in 2022.”
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency