USA bets on “soft power”. Opinion

05.06.2023, Moscow.

The United States is unlikely to enter into a direct military confrontation with Russia, but it cannot part with its global leadership, so it will actively use its “soft power” resources, Yuri Byaly, vice president of the Experimental Creative Center, wrote in his article The Decisive War published in the May 27 issue in The Essence of Time newspaper.

For the analyst, it’s clear that the US, “which is in a political and economic crisis, is hardly ready for a direct conventional war with Russia. However, says Bialy, the United States is even less ready to lose its global dominance, since this would mean a political catastrophe for the contemporary United States.”

“This means that the USA is quite capable of making full use of its ‘soft power’ resources,” the analyst is convinced. Such resources include dominance of NPOs and NGOs, diplomatic and financial-economic dominance, the overwhelming power of information resources, cyberattacks, terrorist attacks and so on, explained Bialy.

In the second part of The Decisive War article series, examining the role of foreign NPOs (nonprofit organizations) and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in the post-Soviet space, Bialyi states that in many of these countries, Western NPOs exist in huge numbers and actively influence state policy.

For example, more than 18 thousand NCOs are active in Kirgizstan, 22 thousand in Kazakhstan and about 14 thousand different NPOs and NGOs exist in Moldova. The article stresses that in Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Kirgizstan the volume of foreign funding of NPOs is enormous and exceeds national investments.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency