“Ukrainism” as human-killer virus. Book presentation to take place in Moscow

02.03.2023, Aleksandrovskoye, Russia

Sergey Kurginyan and Alexandrovskaya Commune present their new study, a collective monograph entitled “Ukrainism,” the Rossa Primavera news agency reported on March 2.

It is reported that the presentation of the monograph and discussion will take place at the Experimental Creative Center (“Kurginyan Center“) on March 4 at 12 a.m..

The authors of the monograph state that the construct of “Ukrainism” is a political, ideological, religious and, finally, a sinister metaphysical project, systematically created by the West in order to destroy Russia. This project has been unfolding in Ukraine for a long time, but over the past few years it has been done openly and with a great extent.

The authors remind us that crimes against the Russian population are committed no less brutal than in the time of Hitler. The monograph answers the questions: “How was it possible?“, “What forces were involved in this process?“, “What ideas did Ukrainian Nazism nurture for long decades and even centuries?

The revised and considerably expanded edition of the collective monograph “Ukrainism: Who Constructed It and Why,” created by the Aleksandrovskaya commune under the leadership of Sergey Kurginyan (a philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement), is not only an academic study of contemporary Ukrainian Nazism and its genesis. It is, in fact, preparatory material for the new Nuremberg Trials.

Experts as well as witnesses from Mariupol and Lisichansk, territories that found themselves under neo-Banderite occupation during 2014-2022 against the will of the population, will take part in the discussion.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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