Why the West is preparing a tribunal on Ukraine against Russia

Russia has once again been called an evil empire. Last time it was a prelude to the disintegration of the USSR. But today they are adding a legal basis to the rhetoric. What does the West see as the final outcome of the current round of the great game?

It seems that the war of the West against Russia is about to take on a new quality. A sign of this was the French Foreign Ministry’s statement on November 30 that French diplomats with “partners” had begun work on preparing an international tribunal to investigate Russia’s crimes in Ukraine. “We have begun work with our European and Ukrainian partners,” said a representative of the French Foreign Ministry.

In fact, the initiator of the discussion of a tribunal over Russia was the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who said the following on November 30:

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought death, devastation and unspeakable suffering. We all remember the horrors of Bucha. First, Russia must pay for its horrific crimes, including for its crime of aggression against a sovereign state. This is why, while continuing to support the International Criminal Court, we are proposing to set up a specialised court, backed by the United Nations, to investigate and prosecute Russia’s crime of aggression. We are ready to start working with the international community to get the broadest international support possible for this specialised court. Secondly, Russia must also pay financially for the devastation that it caused. The damage suffered by Ukraine is estimated at 600 billion euros. Russia and its oligarchs have to compensate Ukraine for the damage and cover the costs for rebuilding the country.”

It is pointless to comment on a document that is based on an exposed fake – I am referring to the Ukrainian staging of Russian atrocities in Bucha. It is clear that this is not a message of truth but a demand to pay the bill. And it is not only and not so much about Ukraine. Russia must pay all the bills, and in any case the bills dating back to 1945, when it hoisted the flag of victory over the capital of the first European Union.

By the way, Slobodan Milosevic, who died on March 11, 2006 under mysterious circumstances in his prison cell in the UN war crimes tribunal’s detention center, was talking about this. He named revanchism as the reason for the destruction of Yugoslavia, “…Everything began with the unification of Germany. As soon as that happened, Germany began to punish the victors of World War II. The press, with German pedantry, divided the world into good and bad. The ‘good’ are those who were with the Nazis in World War II and lost the war. And the ‘bad’ are those who were not with them and won the war…Yugoslavia was doomed to be destroyed. Yugoslavia was the first victim of the policy of revanchism.”

What makes the situation even more cynical is that just these days, footage of Ukrainian nationalists shooting Russian prisoners became available to the public, also in the West, which, as the Russian Defense Ministry said, reveals the criminal nature of the Ukrainian regime.

But, of course, the lives and deaths of Russian prisoners of war are of no interest to the highly humanistic West. Events are unfolding according to some well-thought-out plan, and nothing but a clear failure of the West in the proxy war being waged in Ukraine can stop this plan. And last but not least, the truth.

What kind of plan is this? I think it’s not enough to say that it is a plan for Russia’s destruction. And certainly this plan is not, as Russian experts immediately claimed, limited to seizing Russia’s frozen assets. The assets will be seized, no one doubts that now (by the way, a rhetorical question – will someone finally go to jail for moving these assets abroad?), but the creation of an international tribunal with a predictable verdict is an option with much greater outcomes than an outright robbery on an international scale.

And the Russian elite prefers to ignore these great outcomes (or otherwise – real prospects). For example, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov only said that Russia is not going to recognize the verdict of the tribunal. “As for attempts to establish some kind of tribunals, they will not have any legitimacy, we will not accept them and condemn them.” This reply is understandable and, of course, necessary but obviously insufficient.

The creation of a tribunal and the corresponding conviction means that Russia, at least in its current form, will be excluded from international relations. Wars begin and end, and then the warring parties continue to coexist one way or another, sometimes very amicably. When a regime is condemned by an international tribunal, cooperation with its representatives becomes impossible and too, so to speak, toxic.

There are not many examples of international tribunals, but they all have this in common. The Nuremberg Tribunal, the Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the Khmer Rouge Crimes Tribunal, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. And – be attentive! – all the regimes condemned by the international tribunal have ceased to exist.

Such statements are already being made by influential Western politicians and even by church representatives, with the rhetoric of the latter lying not in the legal or political but in the metaphysical plane. For example, the Archbishop of Canterbury said on December 2, “Peace is always better than war. But there are times when justice demands that there is the defeat of what we call, the Archbishop of York and I called when it started, an evil invasion. And I don’t regret saying that.”

However, an international tribunal is something that is capable of revealing the full novelty of the situation.

Is the West going to “make a meal of” Russia? Russian leaders perceived this message conveyed by the actions of the French Foreign Ministry “with its partners” quite correctly. However, the assessment of the appetites of the collective “Western wolf” is wrong. He does not want to devour assets in the amount of 600-900 billion dollars, it is only an appetizer before a festive meal. He wants to devour the whole Russia: with forests, fields, birches by the outskirts, oil and gas provinces, Pushkin and Dostoevsky, the Russian language, the Moscow Kremlin – UNESCO heritage and, certainly, the Russian people, which will be made responsible for all crimes.

In the “Russian cauldron”, a meal should be cooked for Europe and the USA – that is the meaning of the idea of a tribunal for Russian “crimes” in Ukraine. And it will not be impossible to ignore this.

The most important thing about the tribunal is that it sentences the defendants to a measure of punishment. Stand up! The court is coming! Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin – you have been weighed … and found wanting – that is what will be said to humanity about the Russians and Russia. They are found very wanting, and so everyone who has historical claims, grievances and unsatisfied hatred for the Russian gifts – the writing, statehood, and history given by the Russians  – will receive a command to attack the tired Russian bear.

They will attack him and tear to shreds, for this is the will of the world hegemon, written on the tablets of a sacred tribunal. The verdict of the tribunal is a black mark, the sentence of the tribunal is an indulgence for the punisher, and the sentence of the tribunal is the beginning of a new world history, or rather post-history, because history is unlikely to survive Russia.

This is not about a tribunal for the crimes in Ukraine. The West is preparing to condemn Russia. Well, this is not the first time it has tried to do so, and it will do so again if it fails so far. And it’s not the first time Russia has responded to it. But in order to respond, one must realize very clearly that THIS is what has come, call it by its proper name – it is Russia’s death. And begin to think and act to meet this challenge.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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