11.11.2022, Aleksandrovskoye.
The anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution cannot be celebrated as usual in the current situation, said philosopher, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on November 7 in his video address published on the movement’s YouTube channel.
We cannot refuse to celebrate November 7, because this was the day that changed much for humanity. However, in the conditions when people are dying, and a specter of “something quite unclear and indefinite” is hovering over Russia, this day cannot be celebrated in the usual manner.
Therefore, the philosopher reminded that the Great October Socialist Revolution was not “just a revolution,” but it was actually “a postcatastrophic reassembly.” By the moment it took place, the state had disintegrated. This disintegration ended after the tsar’s demise, “something that none of the Romanov dynasty or the other Russian ruling aristocratic families had ever done.”
The tsarism in Russia was replaced with “a disorder named ‘Russian capitalism coming to power.’”
Kurginyan stressed that the capitalism that came in February 1917 “was dramatically better than the one we have now.” The Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Terentyev, Tereshchenko, and other families built major groups of companies to raise the country to new heights. And they compared themselves to the bourgeoisie of the era of the French Revolution.
The political scientist reminded that the French bourgeoisie could build “an absolutely new army based on absolutely new principles,” an absolutely new defense industry, and a administrative apparatus of an unprecedented efficacy, thus showing what bourgeoisie capacity was. It relied on a legal accumulation of capital.
The Russian bourgeoisie of 1917, in contrast, failed in nine months. The country collapsed, the what Vladimir Lenin was doing was a postcatastrophic reassembly.
The modern bourgeoisie, Kurginyan stressed, “has not idea of the achievements of the era of Ryabushinsky, Terentyev, Morozov etc.” It was not formed inside the previous social category, and it had no legal accumulations.
“This bourgeoisie came out of nowhere either from those who managed to join the wining authorities, or from criminal actors, which actually accumulated the capitals, or from security services, which were even more criminal than any outlaws and which were responsible for certain international operations, and which stopped at nothing,” the analyst reminded.
The modern bourgeoisie said that “it would love global imperialism,” it acknowledged the leadership of the Western countries, and it “committed something compared to which the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which this bourgeoisie condemned as a betrayal of our national interests, was a triumph of political will.” Having no root in economy, it surrendered territories calling it Independence Day, and it canceled absolutely democratic laws of the previous era.
In this context, Kurginyan cited Lenin’s work The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It written in the fall of 1917. He stressed that the idea of this work was not something like the notorious “the worse the better,” but it was a plea f a strong person addressed to the bourgeoisie class, “Please win!” Lenin urged contemporary bourgeoisie to steal less in order to preserve the country and themselves, offering them absolutely capitalist ways to resolve the country’s problems.
Kurginyan called the modern bourgeoisie to come to its senses, to brace up and to remember that the Motherland belongs not to them but to the people of the country.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency