05.09.2022, Kiev.
Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko called rallies in favor of lifting anti-Russian sanctions and stopping the supply of weapons to Ukraine in the center of Europe unacceptable on September 5 on his Facebook page (an organization banned in Russia).
The representative of the Ukrainian diplomatic agency recalled that at the rallies the demands to stop supporting Kiev and to lift the sanctions against Russia were heard. According to Nikolenko, these calls cast doubt on the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
“We condemn the attempts of the participants of the pro-Russian rallies to justify the military actions in Ukraine and humiliate the honor and dignity of Ukrainians who are defending freedom in Europe at the cost of their lives,” Nikolenko wrote.
On September 4, about 400 residents of Cologne took to the streets demanding the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions, the launch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, as well as the cessation of arms supplies to Ukraine. The protesters carried German and Russian flags in their hands.
On September 3, around 50-70 thousand people came to the rally in Prague in the Czech Republic. The protesters demanded the resignation of the government and the immediate beginning of negotiators with Moscow to buy Russian gas.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency