02.08.2022, Moscow.
An extensive neo-Nazi movement currently exists in Ukraine, which includes military and political wings, expert and director of the Historical Memory Foundation Aleksandr Dyukov said at a hearing in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on August 2.
Dyukov said that one of the representatives of this movement is the Azov battalion (organization banned in Russia), whose representatives have been torturing and killing civilians in eastern Ukraine since 2014.
According to the expert, the ideological program of the battalion is openly extremist and neo-Nazi, which manifests itself in “extreme biological racism, plans for the legal segregation of other races and peoples, and the denial of democracy and international law.”
The “Azov” movement (organization banned in the Russian Federation) itself, Dyukov said, includes both a military structure, the Azov battalion itself (organization banned in Russia), and political organizations associated with it, such as the National Corps party (organization banned in Russia). According to the expert, the battalion’s affiliation with a neo-Nazi movement and neo-Nazi ideology is evidenced by “a whole range of objective factors.”
Dyukov said that members of the Azov movement (organization banned in Russia) had been torturing and killing civilians in eastern Ukraine since 2014.
He said that “dozens, perhaps hundreds, of residents of Ukraine’s eastern regions were kidnapped, tortured, and killed by fighters of the Azov battalion (organization banned in Russia).”
According to Dyukov, Azov militants (organization banned in the Russian Federation) organized artillery attacks on civilians in Donbass, as well as committed other mass crimes, guided by neo-Nazi ideology.
On August 2, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation at the request of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation recognized the Ukrainian paramilitary association Azov (organization whose activities are banned in Russia) as a terrorist organization and banned its activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Members of the organization, which was declared a terrorist organization by the court, are subject to criminal liability, and under Russian law the organization’s founders and leaders can be sentenced to 15 to 20 years in prison and fined up to 1 million rubles, while ordinary participants can be sentenced to 5 to 10 years in prison and fined up to 500,000 rubles.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency