22.07.2022, Moscow.
Not all political groups in Japan agreed with the army reform, carried out by Shinzo Abe when he was prime minister. This was stated by Aleksey Maslov, director of the Institute of Asia and Africa at Moscow State University, in an interview published in issue 490 of The Essence of Time newspaper.
According to the orientalist, Abe’s reform of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces was a success. Their title has not changed, but Abe and a group of his supporters in the Liberal Democratic Party have managed to significantly weaken the restrictions on Japan’s military capabilities imposed by World War II.
In particular, Japan’s Self-Defense Forces can now take part in operations abroad to protect its allies. Japan began to participate in a number of military alliances and blocs, such as the AUKUS against China.
Abe has increased the country’s military budget by about 10 percent, and a cyber army has been created.
Abe’s critics pointed out that spending on the military has increased dramatically, but Japan still cannot compete with China alone and remains dependent on the US.
“Japan has to use US services anyway, host US military bases and still support them. Let me remind you that they exist in Okinawa, and there are American bases that stand directly around Tokyo,” Maslov reminded.
“Of course, the country is still dependent. And many are asking the question: was it worth it to increase spending while continuing to be dependent on the United States, unable to prevent a military threat from, for example, China, which may not be going to war with Japan, but with which there is a disputed territory, I remind you, Senkaku/Diaoyu,” he added.
The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan has a pro-American policy. It is beneficial for the United States to militarize Japan in light of its struggle with China.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency