08.06.2022, Moscow.
For the contemporary advocates of the Red ideology, canonical ideas of communism are the fabrications of Suslov’s propaganda, not the key ideas proposed by Karl Marx, said the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher Sergey Kurginyan in his article Ideology or Death published on June 6.
In this article in the Essence of Time newspaper, Sergey Kurginyan discusses his “great remoteness from everything that for some reason is canonical for the majority of the contemporary advocates of the so-called Red ideology.”
“These advocates do not consider Karl Marx canonical, who proposed a number of fundamentally important ideas, which have been rejected by his so-called followers. To date, to my great regret, what is canonical has become either the inventions of Suslov’s propaganda, presented Soviet social science textbooks or very dubious neo-Trotskyist ravings,” the philosopher noted.
Both Soviet social science textbooks, Kurginyan continues, and “neo-Trotskyist ravings” share the idea that communism is an anti-idealistic doctrine about building a classless society free from exploitation of man by man.
The Soviet textbooks ignored Marx’s obvious statement that “communism is supposed to overcome the alienation of the Man not only from means of production, but also from his human essence,” Kurginyan notes.
“They also ignore what Marx considered to be the main disaster: spiritual death due to the alienation from the human essence,” Kurginyan continues.
“They further ignore what Marxists called the transition from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom, where the realm of necessity meant not the regime of exploitation, but everything that robotizes Man thus erasing the line between Man and machine as well as the line between Man and the beast,” the philosopher writes.
According to Kurginyan, the majority of the contemporary proponents of Red ideology also ignore that “for Marx, overcoming the alienation from the human essence required not only stopping the exploitation of man by man, but also overcoming everything imposed by division of labor as such.”
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency