30.10.2021, Moscow.
Russia needs a grassroots system to monitor the adverse effects of experimental vaccines, like those that exist in the USA and the UK, said philosopher, political scientist, and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in his broadcast published on October 24 on YouTube.
According to Kurginyan, the governments that have been aggressively promoting vaccination for the coronavirus in their countries have reached worrying results. According to official information from Taiwan, the number of people who died after vaccination has exceeded the number of those who died of COVID-19.
VAERS (the US system for the collection and analysis of adverse effects) reports a dramatic growth in reports about adverse effects of coronavirus vaccines, including fatal ones. After the vaccines began to be used, adverse effects are also reported with increasing frequency in the UK Yellow Card system (for any adverse effect of the vaccination, healthcare professionals must fill out a “yellow card” with a number of questions about the nature of the adverse effect, and send to the national healthcare authorities).
In Russia, however, the officials who support the vaccination for the coronavirus have not only failed to implement a vaccination adverse effects monitoring system, but they also have no “vaccine-related death” category in the reporting procedure.
“Look at the official information from the Taiwanese healthcare authorities and try to figure out who is killing whom, and who dies of what. Look into the information from VAERS (indeed, this is the America that our Westernists pray to!) or the UK Yellow Card and tell me why, if vaccination is necessary, do we not have such Yellow Cards in Russia? Why has the ‘vaccine-related death’ category not been introduced, at least in law? What kind of an attempt to sweep things under the rug is this?” the political scientist wondered.
Meanwhile, the active supporters of vaccination among intelligentsia for some reason do not demand that the authorities implement a grassroots system to monitor vaccine outcomes. However, such systems exist in the developed Western countries, Sergey Kurginyan explained.
Secondly, such systems are extremely necessary, because the coronavirus vaccines have not been appropriately tested. Also, they are not vaccines in the conventional sense; they are rather innovative genetic drug products, the analyst noted.
“Why does our liberal community and other groups in society consistently fail to address the authorities with a request to implement a grassroots outcome monitoring system? Why does the statistics lack a ‘vaccination-related death’ category? There is no such category! If you are so confident that you are right, and you begin to use experimental medicines, which are not vaccines, nationwide, why then are you feared to perform an adequate monitoring as the one that is used in the Western countries you love so much? What kind of behavior is this? What a combination of cowardice, hysteria, and treachery is this?” Kurginyan wonders.
On October 21, the Editor-in-Chief of RT Margarita Simonyan on her Telegram channel called the opponents of vaccination for COVID-19 idiots, and she blamed them of children’s deaths. According to Simonyan, those who have not been vaccinated for the coronavirus are a direct threat to the health and lives of children in Russia. This statement initiated an upsurge of aggressive statements on both sides.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency