15.10.2021, Moscow.
The main task at the current stage of the struggle against the global transformation through COVID is a professional and comprehensive discussion of the costs of universal vaccination, said philosopher, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on October 3 in his author’s broadcast “The Meaning of the Game.”
“At every stage of opposing the attempts to transform medicine into a new means of global transformation, where COVID is beyond competition, those who oppose the the process devolving into something deadly face various tasks. There are always several of them. And always one of them dominates. Well, now the dominating task is to ensure professional monitoring of the consequences of what the vaccinators are doing,” the political scientist said.
As those who oppose the COVID-based global transformation have failed to stop universal and essentially forced vaccination, they should, Kurginyan believes, monitor the costs of these actions and make the public aware of them. “This is where the war is,” he added. The expert urged not to give up but the fight to the end using effective means that would be appropriate to each stage of the struggle.
The political scientist noted that the struggle against pan-vaccinationism is evolving into a new stage, and in this context he referred to the intensifying anti-vaccinator rhetoric of Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier, “Nobel Prize laureates are not only outstanding scientists. Most often they are politicians as well. And as such they understand what the art of the possible is. This is why it is remarkable that Luc Montagnier is escalating ― I stress, escalating ― his anti-vaccinator statements.”
Kurginyan indicated that Montagnier has already started to call forced vaccination a crime. The actions of physicians, who forgot their Hippocratic oath, and of the government, according to the French scientist, result in “early death of many patients.” “Thus, all this should be considered as crimes for which they will be accountable some day.” According to the political scientist, Montagnier has never spoken so harsh before.
An appropriate form of informing the public about the results of “criminal actions” of physicians and the governments needs to be found ― this is how the expert sees the task at the current stage of opposing pan-vaccinationism. “Hopefully, all this ― all these costs ― will be not just reported, but will become in the focus of attention and discussion,” the leader of Essence of Time Sergey Kurginyan concluded.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency