08.10.2021, Moscow.
The actions of the EU authorities and the USA with regard to Nord Stream-2 are to blame for the current situation on the European gas market, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, as REGNUM news agency informed on October 8.
“The actions of the European Commission and the United States with regard to Nord Stream have become one of the causes of the current gas crisis in Europe,” Lavrov said.
The price of gas reached almost $2000 per cubic meter on October 6. However, it dropped after Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to increase gas supplies by means of bidding at SPB Exchange.
Selling gas on this exchange would probably allow bypassing the EU’s Third Energy Package. In other words, by using the services of the exchange, gas will be sold to European consumers even before it enters the pipeline. As a result, gas will be pumped through Nord Stream-2 not owned by Gazprom, but by different European legal entities.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency