Kurginyan: Russian society will respond only to a dream

16.07.2021, Moscow.

Lenin was a master of realpolitik, and he could dream of the impossible striving to reach it; it was the impossible that found response in Russian society, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on July 9 in The Meaning of the Game broadcast published on the movement’s YouTube channel.

Discussing what policy should look like to be able to save the country condemned to death and to bring it to new horizons, Kurginyan addressed the figure of the founder of the USSR. He stressed that Lenin was a master of realpolitik, which the Russian authorities today like to follow; at the same time, however, he understood what was taking place in Russia, and he could dream of the impossible striving to reach it.

“So, who was Lenin? A politician who was implementing the art of the possible? Or a man who was doing the impossible? To discuss the possible and thus characterize Lenin, I can say that Lenin was the only one who understood, when he arrived from the emigration, what was taking place in Russia. Indeed, the only one! No one else understood this: neither Trotsky, nor Stalin, nor Sverdlov, nor Bukharin and Zinoviev, nor all these socialists-revolutionaries, or kadets, no one!

Lenin was the only one who understood everything. This means that he had the highest capability to implement the art of the possible, and he was a politician, maybe the only Russian politician of that period. On the other hand, what he did was beyond any possibilities, and everyone talked about this,” the philosopher stressed.

Kurginyan believes that if Lenin had proposed any pragmatic goals to the Russian society of that period, people would not have followed him.

“Could it happen that Lenin saw the possible exactly because he looked beyond the horizon, and he understood something in the impossible? And thus in Russia, which responded seriously, truly, with its real live resources to the impossible. It would not have responded to the possible,” the political scientist believes.

“They can tell me, Lenin was absolutely pragmatic when he accepted the social revolutionaries’ program ‘Land to the peasants’ etc. Yes, of course, he was pragmatic in this issue, but somehow he won, not the social revolutionaries,” he added.

Kurginyan stressed that to mobilize a Russian peasant for war was an extremely difficult task. There were no mechanisms to mobilize an army, and a peasant decided on his own to go to the war, saddling his horse for this, often the only one in his household.

“We saddled our horses for a march,” the political scientist reminded the words of the Cavalry Army song.

“Whose horses did they saddle? I already said this, and I will keep asking: whose horses? Their own! For the peasants, a horse meant life, support for their families, and a decent existence. The peasants saddled them knowing they could lose them in the very first battle! Maybe without any chance to get a new one. Their wives and children held their stirrup saying ‘Do not leave us!’” Kurginyan said.

“What kind of a dream could inspire their hearts to gather an army in that situation and win? What kind of a dream should he have in order to send military units and spend the remaining food and supplies for the construction of power plants during the most terrible moment of the social revolutionaries’ rebellion? Who do you need to be in order to do that, and who was Lenin?” the philosopher asked.

Sergey Kurginyan is discussing the destiny of a number of states which can only be saved from degradation and death by new great goals. One such state is Russia.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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