Kurginyan: Scientists must tell the truth about the coronavirus

10.07.2021, Aleksandrovskoye.

Scientists who have not succumbed to the “coronavirus mainstream” must unite and clearly state their position, write political scientist Sergey Kurginyan in his article “Is a Coup D’etat Next? Where Does the Vaccination Lead”, published in The Essence of Time newspaper.

In regards to the coronavirus, the global scientific community has completely discredited itself with false forecasts, estimates, and vaccination, which were forcibly imposed on society; while at the same time “silencing” all the voices that support alternative points of view, noted Kurginyan.

By the way, the most credible specialists are on the side of the alternative point of view, and they are not some people who want to become famous while speculating on the COVID,” points out the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

Among them, the Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier in particular, who was accused of spreading a conspiracy theory about the artificial origin of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (now, even Anthony Fauci, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) does not deny it) and his statement about the dangers of mass vaccination (there is more and more evidence of this – in Israel and European countries).

Famous French professor, pharmacist Jean-Bernard Furtillan also was discredited and forcibly placed in a psychiatric clinic for his allegations about the coronavirus. These are virologists and immunologists from all over the world, the authors of the sensational “letter of the 57” against COVID-19 vaccination with the untested vaccines.

Now, the question is how will those people, who had the conscience not to walk into a dead end, unite? How strong is their determination, how will it manifest itself, and how it will connect with sensible social actions. And what will be the response to it, because the rebellion, revolt, the destruction of the state, the collapse of the existing system are the alternative,” writes Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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