03.03.2021, Moscow.
The US that has returned together with Biden can exist as long as it interferes with all global processes, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on February 28 on the air of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program on the Russia One channel.
“It looks like the US we used to know is back, after Trump’s attempt to leave it behind. As with any oscillations, it has returned with a greater magnitude. And this US does not understand what solving domestic problems is,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.
The political scientist noted that within the current model, the US can only solve their domestic problems through external ones.
“It has to continue robbing the world to be able to throw at least some pieces to its over-fed population. It has to keep threatening the world with its carriers, because how would it print its money otherwise? When China is outpacing you, if you stop printing money you will fall from the first position to the third or the fourth one,” Kurginyan added.
The expert stressed that in the event the US loses its global leadership its elite will have problems with its own population, which will have to be promptly resolved. This will definitely affect the country’s domestic stability.
“They have to keep overfeeding and frightening their population. It is like riding a bicycle where one pedal is feeding and the other is frightening. You feed and frighten, and thus you move. As soon as you stop pedaling, your bicycle falls down,” Kurginyan concluded.
The leader of the Essence of Time movement noted that, in addition to the economic background, the US situation has an existential component. This is the position of the number one power, the global power, which has to be held onto stronger the more one’s grip seems to slip.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency