04.01.2021, Moscow.
Russian President Vladimir Putin keenly worries about the threat of the Russian Federation’s collapse, political analyst and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan, said this in an interview with journalist Vladimir Solovyov on December 24th on the Soloviev Live YouTube channel.
“When I said I’d rather die than see Russia disintegrate, he these twitches running down his face. He’s no Smoktunovsky (famous soviet actor – note by Rossa Primavera News Agency), he can’t play like that, and I am neither Bush, nor anyone else in front of whom he might want to pretend. It was clear that he is worried about disintegration with all his human essence, that he has it right inside – he does not want this disintegration,” – says Kurginyan.
On February 23rd, 2012, during a rally at Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, devoted to the defense of Russia’s sovereignty, Putin recited lines from Lermontov’s poem Borodino:
“The eyes aflame, he spoke his mind:
‘Hey lads! is Moscow not behind?
By Moscow then we die,
As had our brethren died before!’
And since we’d die, we all then swore,
Kept oath of loyalty untorn
Neath Borodinian sky“.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency