23.03.2019, Moscow.
NATO’s operation in Yugoslavia was driven by its desire to extend its influence closer to Russia’s border, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on March 22 in an interview to the NTV channel.
Lavrov stressed that the hypothesis regarding NATO’s aggression in Yugoslavia in order to approach the Russian border later proved true.
According to the minister, the Yugoslavian events took place at a time when “they believed in Washington that they had won the cold war, the Soviet Union had gone, Russia was weak, and it assured that it wanted to join the Western democratic processes.”
Lavrov noted that after the cold war, the US leadership wanted to take the whole world under its control, casting aside the UN’s principles, which were in conflict with the US policy of domination “across all regions of the globe.”
In 1999, in the context of a political crisis in Yugoslavia, NATO forces began to bomb the Republic, circumventing the UN Security Council. Air strikes took place from March to June, and the exact number of victims has not been established to this day. The Serbian authorities estimate the number of victims to be 2.5 thousand people, including 89 children. Material damage is estimated to be up to 100 billion dollars.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency