Deki, Serbian volunteer: American journalists are the ones who trigger every war in the world
“American journalists are the ones who trigger every war in the world. They triggered the wars in Kosovo, Yugoslavia, Libya, and Iraq. And each time they bear no responsibility for this. If the journalists had to bear responsibility for their words, had there been a Hague Tribunal established for them to become accountable for their actions, they would have started doing their job properly,” Deki says.
Serbian volunteer provided the example of the Iraq’s war triggered by the US and British leaders’ deliberately false statements regarding Iraq having chemical weapons. Deki also pointed out Western media’s information campaign around chemical weapons being used in Syria.
Dejan Beric added, “America and Great Britain can do whatever they want in the whole world with impunity. <…> Western media taught Europeans and Americans to trust their governments. These people would call this phone white [shows a black phone– Rossa Primavera News Agency] if their media say so, that is for sure.”